Marvin Boggs: Old man?
Frank Moses: No respect.
Marvin Boggs: Can I kill her now?
Frank Moses: [nods]
Marvin Boggs: [steps out from behind dumpster. fires the gun. the bullet his her bazooka. the bazooka blows her up]
Marvin Boggs: Old man my ass!
Frank Moses: Kordeski trained you?
William Cooper: Yea?
Frank Moses: I trained Kordeski.
Marvin Boggs: [from trailer ] Why are you trying to kill me?
Frank Moses: Look, why would I be trying to kill you?
Marvin Boggs: Because last time we met, I tried to kill you.
Frank Moses: That was a long time ago.
Marvin Boggs: Some people hold on to things like that.
Frank Moses: [Marvin has just shot a bad guy] Feel better?
Marvin Boggs: Yeah. You guys want to get pancakes?
Marvin Boggs: I remember the Secret Service being tougher.
Victoria: Me too.
Marvin Boggs: Can I kill her *now*?
Frank Moses: [to Marvin] Open the pig! Open the pig!
[Marvin unzips the pig, and pulls out a grenade launcher]
Victoria: Tell Marvin to stand down before he hurts himself.
[Steps away from the window, revealing Marvin's head and a sniper rifle peering out of a bush outside]
Marvin Boggs: Frank, I never thought I'd say this again. I'm getting the pig!
Frank Moses: Open the pig!
Joe Matheson: This used to be a Gentleman's game.
Frank Moses: Victoria is the best woman in the world with an RPN.
Sarah Ross: Oh, wow. Um, what's an RPN?
Victoria: [smiling] I kill people, dear.
Victoria: Oh, Francis. You're such a romantic.
Frank Moses: What?
Victoria: You're all hard on the outside, but inside you're gooey... gooey.
William Cooper: How's retirement, Frank?
Frank Moses: It's been a real blast.