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25-й час (25th Hour)

300 спартанцев (300)

Автостопом по галактике (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)

Альф (ALF)

Апокалипсис сегодня (Apocalypse Now)

Белое солнце пустыни

Бесславные ублюдки (Inglourious Basterds)

Бешеные псы (Reservoir Dogs)

Бойцовский клуб (Fight club)

Большой куш (Snatch)

Большой Лебовски (The Big Lebowski)


В диких условиях (Into the Wild)


Властелин Колец: Братство кольца (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)

Властелин Колец: Возвращение короля (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)

Властелин Колец: Две башни (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)

Вольт (Bolt)

Гладиатор (Gladiator)

Гран Торино (Gran Torino)

Догма (Dogma)

Доктор Хауз (House M.D.)

Дорога (The Road)

Железная хватка (The True Grit)

Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

Запах женщины (Scent of a Woman)

Знакомство с родителями (Meet the parents)

Знакомство с Факерами (Meet the Fockers)

Изгой (Cast Away)


Интерстеллар (Interstellar)

Как я встретил вашу маму (How I Met Your Mother)

Карты, деньги, два ствола (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)

Копы в глубоком запасе (The other guys)

Крепкий орешек (Die hard)

Крестный отец (The Godfather)

Криминальное чтиво (Pulp fiction)

Крупная рыба (Big fish)

Кунг Фу Панда (Kung Fu Panda)

Кунг-фу панда 2 (Kung Fu Panda 2)

Любовь и голуби

Малышка на миллион (Million Dollar Baby)

Место встречи изменить нельзя

Миллионер из трущоб (Slumdog Millionaire)

Назад в будущее (Back to the Future)

Патриот (The Patriot)

Поймай меня, если сможешь (Catch me if you can)

После прочтения сжечь (Burn after reading)


Святые из трущоб (The Boondock Saints)

Семь (Se7en)

Симпсоны в кино (The Simpsons Movie)

Сопрано (The Sopranos)

Спасти рядового Райана (Saving Private Ryan)

Старикам здесь не место (No Country for Old Men)

Теория большого взрыва (The Big Bang Theory)

Терминатор 2: Судный день (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

Типа крутые легавые (Hot Fuzz)

Тринадцатый воин (The 13th Warrior)

Форрест Гамп (Forrest Gump)

Хозяин морей: На краю земли (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)

Храброе сердце (The Braveheart)

Цельнометаллическая оболочка (Full Metal Jacket)

Человек дождя (Rain man)

Шерлок Холмс (Sherlock Holmes)

Эйс Вентура: Когда зовет природа (Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls)

Эйс Вентура: Розыск домашних животных (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)

Назад в будущее (Back to the Future)

Цитаты из Назад в будущее (Back to the Future)

[1955 Doc is watching a video of 1985 Doc]
Dr. Emmett Brown: What on Earth's this thing I'm wearing?
Marty McFly: Ah, this, this is a radiation suit.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Radiation suit? Of course, because of all the fallout from the atomic wars.

[In the past, Marty observes his dad's incompetence]
Marty McFly: Jesus, George, it's a wonder I was ever born.

Marty McFly: If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

[In 1955, Tab and Pepsi Free aren't invented yet]
Lou: You gonna order something, kid?
Marty McFly: Ah, yeah... Give me a Tab.
Lou: Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order something.
Marty McFly: All right, give me a Pepsi Free.
Lou: You want a Pepsi, PAL, you're gonna pay for it.

[Lorraine's parents are talking about Marty McFly, Lorraine's future son]
Stella Baines: He's a very strange young man.
Sam Baines: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid that acts that way I'll disown you.

[Dr. Emmett Brown is doubting Marty McFly's story about that he is from the future]
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, "Future Boy", who's President in the United States in 1985?
Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor?
[chuckles in disbelief]
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then who's VICE-President? Jerry Lewis?
[later he rushes outside, down a hill and toward his laboratory]
Dr. Emmett Brown: I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!
Marty McFly: [following Doc] Whoa! Wait! Doc!
Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny, the Secretary of the Treasury.
Marty McFly: [outside the lab door] Doc, You gotta listen to me.
Dr. Emmett Brown: [opens the door to the lab] I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, Future Boy!
[closes the door leaving Marty outside]
Marty McFly: No, wait! Doc. The... the... the bruise... the bruise on your head. I know how that happened! You told me the whole story. You were standing on your toilet, and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink. And that's when you came up with the idea for the Flux Capacitor...
Marty McFly: which... is what makes time travel possible.
[Doc opens the door and looks at Marty with a stunned look on his face]

Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc, are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.
Marty McFly: Whoa, this is heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again; "heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

[talking about the Time Machine]
Marty McFly: [looks through a camcorder] This is uh... This is heavy duty, Doc. This is great. Uh... does it run, like... on regular unleaded gasoline?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Unfortunately no, it requires something with a little more kick - plutonium.
Marty McFly: Uh... plutonium? Wait.
[lowers the camcorder by his side and points to the DeLorean]
Marty McFly: Are you telling me that this sucker is nuclear?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Hey, hey, hey. Keep rolling. Keep rolling, there.
[Marty looks through the camcorder again]
Dr. Emmett Brown: No, no, no. This sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.
Marty McFly: Doc, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium. Did you rip that off?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Shhhhhh. Of course. From a group of Libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn, gave them a shiny bomb-casing full of used pinball machine parts! Come on! Let's get you a radiation suit. We must prepare to reload.

Dr. Emmett Brown: I'm sure in 1985 plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by.

Marvin Berry: [on the phone, as Marty plays "Johnny B. Goode"] Chuck. Chuck. It's Marvin - your cousin, Marvin BERRY. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this.
[holds the receiver out]

[Stella Baines is Marty's future grandmother]
Stella Baines: Marty, you look so familiar to me. Do I know your mother?
Marty McFly: [turning to look at Lorraine, his mother in the future] Yeah, I think maybe you do...

[Marty sees the outside of the Hill Valley High School in 1955]
Marty McFly: Whoa... they really cleaned this place up. Looks brand-new.
[Marty and Doc walk toward the building]
Dr. Emmett Brown: Now, remember - according to my theory, you interfered with your parents first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow, and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.
Marty McFly: Sounds pretty heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Weight has nothing to do with it.

Marty McFly: Wait, you don't understand. If you don't play there's no music. If there's no music they don't dance. If they don't dance they don't kiss and fall in love and I'm history.

[addressing the shocked expressions at the dance after playing a wild guitar solo]
Marty McFly: I guess you guys aren't ready for that, yet. But your kids are gonna love it.

Marty McFly: Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin?
Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear.

Marty McFly: [acting cool] Do you mind if we... park... for a while?
Lorraine Baines: That's a great idea. I'd love to park.
Marty McFly: Huh?
Lorraine Baines: Marty, I'm almost 18 years old. It's not like I've never parked before.
Marty McFly: What?
Lorraine Baines: Marty, you seem so nervous. Is something wrong?
Marty McFly: [trying to maintain composure] No... No.
[Lorraine takes a sip from a liquor bottle]
Marty McFly: [grabbing the bottle from Lorraine] Lorraine, Lorraine, What are you doin'?
Lorraine Baines: [starting to laugh] I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet.
Marty McFly: Yeah, well, you shouldn't drink.
Lorraine Baines: Why not?
Marty McFly: Because you - you might regret it later in life.
Lorraine Baines: Marty, don't be such a square. Everybody who's anybody drinks.
[Marty takes a sip from Lorraine's bottle then spit-takes as he notices Lorraine lighting a cigarette]
Marty McFly: [nauseatingly] Geez! You smoke too?
Lorraine Baines: Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother!

[Recurring line in all three movies]
Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly. I thought I told you never to come in here.

George McFly: Hey, you! Get your damn hands off her!

Lorraine Baines: Our first television set. Dad just bought it today. Do you have a television set?
Marty McFly: Well, yeah! You know we have... two of them.
Milton Baines: Wow! You must be rich!
Stella Baines: Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.

Dr. Emmett Brown: You'll have to forgive the crudeness of this model, I didn't have time to paint it or build it to scale.

Doc: The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe: women!
Marty McFly: [turns and is faced by huge hologram of the shark in "Jaws 19". Screams, crouches, and covers head. Shark closes mouth on him, then disappears. Marty stands and straightens jacket] Shark still looks fake.

Lorraine Baines: [frowns at a stuttering Marty] Are you all right?
Marty McFly: [stares at his mother's obviously enlarged breasts] I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that you're so... big...

Marty McFly: The 'Sports Almanac'. Son of a bitch stole my idea! He must have been listening when I... It's my fault! The whole thing's my fault. If I hadn't have boughten that damn book, then none of this would have ever happened.
Doc: Well, forget it Marty. That's all in the past.
Marty McFly: You mean the future.
Doc: Whatever! It demonstrates precisely how time travel can be mis-used, and why the time machine must be destroyed, after we straighten all of this out.

Marty McFly: [referring to Old Biff] How could he be your husband? How could you leave dad for him?
Old Lorraine: Leave dad? Marty, are you feeling all right?
Old Lorraine: Oh... They must have hit you over the head hard this time.
Marty McFly: Mom, I just want to know one thing. Where's my father? Where's George McFly?
Old Lorraine: Marty... George... Your father is in the same place he's been for the past 12 years... Oak Park Cemetery.

Lorraine Baines: Biff, somebody already asked me to the dance.
Biff Tannen: Who? That bug George McFly?
Lorraine Baines: I'm going with Calvin Klein, okay?
Biff Tannen: Calvin Klein? No, it's not okay!

Young Biff: Manure! I hate manure!

Doc: Marty, you're not thinking fourth dimensionally!
Marty McFly: Yeah, I know, I got a real problem with that.

Jennifer Parker: Dr. Brown, I brought this note back from the future and now it's erased.
Doc: Of course it's erased.
Jennifer Parker: But what does that mean?
Doc: It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you.
Marty McFly: [Marty wraps his arm around Jennifer] We will, Doc.

Doc: Marty, I gave you explicit instructions not to come here but to go directly back to 1985.
Marty McFly: I know, Doc. But I had to come.
Doc: But it's good to see you, Marty.

Doc: Marty, you can't go losing your judgment every time someone calls you a name. It's exactly what causes you to get into that accident in the future.

[at the town festival]
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: Then let's settle it, right now!
Buford's Gang Member #1: Uh, not now, Buford. Marshal's got our guns.
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow.
Buford's Gang Member #2: Tomorrow, we're robbing the Pine City Stage.
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: What about Monday? Are we doing anything Monday?
Buford's Gang Member #1: Uh, no, Monday would be fine. You can kill him on Monday.
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: I'll be back this way on Monday! We'll settle this then... right there... out in the street... in front of the Palace Saloon!
Marty McFly: Yeah, like when? High noon?
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: Noon? I do my killin' before breakfast! Seven o'clock!
Marty McFly: Eight o'clock. I do my killing after breakfast!

[last lines]
Marty McFly: Hey, Doc! Where you going now? Back to the future?
Doc: Nope. Already been there.

Young Doc: No wonder this circuit failed. It says "Made in Japan".
Marty McFly: What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.
Young Doc: Unbelievable.

[Marty and Doc finally say each other's phrases the opposite way]
Marty McFly: Great Scott!
Doc: I know, this is heavy.

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: What's your name, dude?
Marty McFly: Uh, Mar-, uh... Eastwood. Clint Eastwood.
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: What kind of stupid name is that?

Marty McFly: Clayton Ravine was named after a teacher. They say she fell in there a hundred years ago.
Doc: A hundred years ago? That's this year!
Marty McFly: Every kid in school knows that story 'cause we all have teachers we'd like to see fall into the ravine.

[Holding baby William]
Marty McFly: So you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America. And you peed on me.

Doc: Marty, you're going to have to do something about those clothes. You walk around town dressed like that, you're liable to get shot.
Marty McFly: Or hanged.
Doc: What idiot dressed you in that outfit?
Marty McFly: You did.

Doc: And in the future, we don't need horses. We have motorized carriages called automobiles.
Saloon Old Timer #3: If everybody's got one of these auto-whatsits, does anybody walk or run anymore?
Doc: Of course we run. But for recreation. For fun.
Saloon Old Timer #3: Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that?

Undertaker: Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood. I just need your measurement.
[Measures Marty]
Marty McFly: Hey. Look, buddy. I do'nt want to buy a suit.
Undertaker: No. This is for your coffin.
Marty McFly: [relizing what is going on] My coffin?
Undertaker: well, the odds are running 2 to 1 against you. Might as well be prepared.

Young Doc: Well, good luck for both our sakes. You've made a real difference in my life. See you in the future.
Marty McFly: You mean the past?
Young Doc: Exactly.

Marty McFly: You have a brother named Martin McFly?
Seamus McFly: Had a brother. Martin always provoked me into fighting. He was afraid that everybody think that he was a coeard if he refused. That is why he got a Bouie knife shoved in his belly in a saloon in Virginia City. He never considered the future, poor Martin. God rest his soul.
Maggie McFly: I am hoping that your considering the future Mr. Eastwood.
Marty McFly: I think about it all the time.

[Marty and Doc are asking how fast the train could go]
Marty McFly: Would it be possible to get it up to... 90?
Engineer: Ha! 90? Tarnation, son, where would you be going in such a hurry?
Doc: Well, it's just a little bit the young fellow and I have going. We were wondering, in theory, could it be done?
Engineer: Well... I'd say that if you had a long, straight stretch of track with a level grade, and you weren't hauling no cars behind you, and if you can get the fire hot enough, and I mean hotter than all the fires of hell and damnation itself... then yes, I'd say you'd be able to get her up that fast.



Сцена у зеркала из фильма «25-й час» (25th hour)
«Форрест Гамп» за одну минуту
«Крестный отец» за одну минуту
Кино из Уганды
160 цитат Шварценеггера (160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes )

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Lt. Aldo Raine:
We got a German here who wants to die for his country! Oblige him!
Популярные цитаты:
Храброе сердце (The Braveheart)

Как я встретил вашу маму (How I Met Your Mother)

Запах женщины (Scent of a Woman)

Властелин Колец: Возвращение короля (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)


Святые из трущоб (The Boondock Saints)

Дорога (The Road)

Терминатор 2: Судный день (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

Криминальное чтиво (Pulp fiction)

Апокалипсис сегодня (Apocalypse Now)



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In the fall


Каникулы Петрова и Васечкина (2 серия)


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